
Jul 21, 2023
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Malthusian Doctrine Eugenics Birth Control Feminism

1806 - Malthus - " To a rational being, the Prudential check to population to be considers as equally natural as the check from poverty and premature mortality" - Publication: Population - A crusade against Poverty

1826 - Malthus - Principle 6th Edition Published

1872 - John Stuart Mill - "Little improvement can be expected in mortality until the production of large families is regarded in light as drunkedness or any other pysical excess"

1879 - Lord Derby - "Surely it is better to have thirty-five millions of human beings leading useful and intelligent lives than forty millions struggling painfully for a bare subsistence"

1877 - Malthusian League Established in London Family planning - voluntary limitiation of family size neo-malthusianism movement started

1880 - Charles Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy - A treatise on the population question

1877 - The Great Famine affects India

1890 - Social Darwinism - Hubert Spencer Principles of Socialogy eugenics movement started

1889 - Thomas H. Huxley - Darwinism, Agnosticism

1892 - Sierra Club - Conservation in America

1919 - Creation of League of Nations Clash between Nationhood and internationalism

1922 - Karl Saunders - The Population Problem examination of human evolution and questioning genetic quality

1927 League of Nations holds first World Population Conference - Julian Huxley - Margaret Sanger - Birth Control


March 13, 1915William Sanger is arrested for distributing wife’s pamphlets on contraception. Margaret Sanger returns from London to stand trial beside him in New York.

May 12, 1915 Spurred by the arrest of William Sanger, New Yorkers form the Birth Control League September 10, 1915 William Sanger’s conviction and jail sentence causes a riot in the Court of Special Sessions. November 29, 1915 The widely publicized Bollinger baby case may carry the birth control fight to Congress. January 18, 1916 Margaret Sanger stands trial undefended in federal court for circulating information on birth control, considered obscene matter. April 1, 1916 Margaret Sanger is freed of charge that she circulated obscene matter. She begins to visit and organize birth control societies throughout the US. October 21, 1916 Margaret Sanger establishes semi-secretly in New York the first out-and-out birth control clinic in the United States, and plans on opening many more across the US. December 27, 1916 New York physicians do not suggest a change in the state law favoring birth control, and disapprove of doctors aiding in family limitation. December 29, 1916 Judge John Stelk speaks at the Chicago Woman’s Club, voicing his support of the birth control movement. January 27, 1917 Mrs. Ethel Byrne, following a five day-long hunger strike at Blackwell’s Island prison, is forcibly fed. January 29, 1917 Margaret Sanger and Fania Mondeil are charged with circulating birth control information. Both expect to be convicted, and both have promised to hunger strike. November 14, 1921 Margaret Sanger and Mary Winsor are charged with disorderly conduct for Town Hall meeting on birth control, but they are exonerated. December 2, 1921 Juliet Rublee is arrested for violating a law prohibiting the promulgation of recipes for birth control. February 20, 1922 Margaret Sanger receives permission to land in Japan to speak at “Kaizo” magazine, but only upon the condition that she does not attempt birth control propaganda. May 14, 1922 In Japan, rumors spread that Margaret Sanger and birth control is an American plot to decrease the population of Nippon so the United States can seize the island empire.

"We will soon be asking: is it perfectly okay to eat the bodies of your dead because we’re all so hungry?"

-@PaulREhrlich , 2014

Ehrlich wrote "The Population Bomb" in 1968, and has been the media's leading environmental "expert" for 50+ years.

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Created by Donald Farmer
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